Team, Visitors, External Collaborators
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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Interactions (SRGI). Started 2015 (decision ANR-15-CE40-0018), duration: 4 years. L. Rifford is a member.

Intéractions Systèmes Dynamiques Équations d'Évolution et Contrôle (ISDEEC). Started 2016 (decision ANR-16-CE40-0013), duration: 4 years. L. Rifford is a member.

Maximic: optimal control of microbial cells by natural and synthetic strategies. Started 2017, duration: 4 years. J.-B. Caillau, L. Giraldi, J.-B. Pomet are members.


Défi InfIniti CNRS project, Control and Optimality of Magnetic Microrobots, (PI L. Giraldi). Started 2017, duration: 2 years. This project involves colleagues from Paris Sorbonne Université S. Régnier and from University of Strasbourg C. Prud'Homme's.

PGMO grant (2017-2019) on “Algebro-geometric techniques with applications to global optimal control for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)”. B. Bonnard, A. Nolot and J. Rouot participate in this project, the PI is O. Cots, from ENSEIHHT, Toulouse.

PGMO grant (2019-2021) on "Sampled-Data Control Systems and Applications" (PI B. Bonnard).

The McTAO team participates in the GdR MOA, a CNRS network on Mathematics of Optimization and Applications.

J.-B. Caillau is associate researcher of the CNRS team Parallel Algorithms & Optimization at ENSEEIHT, Univ. Toulouse.